2024 – February President’s Message

2024 – February President’s Message

Greetings MARCOM members, welcome to the start of a busy Spring! Our monthly meeting is the first of the month quickly followed by our Annual Flea Market on Sunday the 3rd. Please come if you able to help at the Flea Market. This is our major fund raiser and supports the club so we can keep our dues low. I want to thank Dean Zwicker and his dedicated staff who made this an annual success.

Also, this month is the balloting on the Morgan/Smith Awards which are given out at our awards banquet. I will be sending the ballot out in a separate email and will also have some available at the meeting. Our banquet this year will be held on the 7th of April at the Meadowbrook Restaurant in Hanson. I have eaten at the Meadowbrook several times and the food is very good. This year’s cost will be $20 for members, $30 for guests and $15 for children under 12. I will be sending that flyer out in a separate email as well. We will be taking reservations at the March meeting up until April 1st.So bring cash or a check made out to MARCOM.

Our new Vice President has been very busy putting together a full touring season starting with a Shakedown tour on April 21st to Borderland Park for a picnic lunch. Joe’s schedule includes many of the tried-and-true places we all enjoy with several tours that haven’t been done in a while or are new to the club. Please, if you have any suggestions, contact Joe and discuss it with him.

In closing, I want to thank the members of the club for supporting the MAFFI donation. It’s important for us to support our hobby for the generations to come. I urge you to become a member of the national clubs to ensure the youth of today don’t let our history disappear.


Mike Kelly – MARCOM President